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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 06/20/2012
Town of Antrim – Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
June 20, 2012

The Antrim Board of Selectmen met with the Bennington Selectmen at the Bennington Town Offices.  The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Eric Tenney

Members Present:        Mr. Tenney, Mr. Robertson & Mr. Genest

Staff present:          Galen Stearns (Town Administrator)

  • The board discussed the joint bridge project, Depot Street over the Contoocook River, NHDOT Bridge No. 184/071, NHDOT Project No. 15349A.  The Town of Bennington has the Town Meeting approval to borrow funds to carry this project and Antrim does not.  Both Towns have the Town Meeting approval of funding the 10% matching funds required for the project.  Antrim Selectmen assured the Bennington Selectmen that Antrim is willing to have Bennington act as the project manager/owner and to let them execute all contracts and change orders.
  • Mr. Tenney motioned to approve the agreement drafted by Town Counsel between Antrim and Bennington, Mr. Robertson 2nd, passed 3/0